New SIMEST tools for internationalization with reference to the 394/81 Fund
We are pleased to share the Federorafi circular:

Beneficiaries: SMEs and Micro but also Large companies with certain requirements.
Facilitated financing with 10% non-repayable.
The start from July 27.

SIMEST has recently presented the new concessions to support businesses for interventions of:
· Insertion of markets;
· Ecological and digital transition;
· Fairs and events;
· Ecommerce;
· Certifications and consultancy;
Temporary Manager.

From 27 July interested companies will therefore be able to apply for the various facilitating instruments, some of which are new (funding for the Ecological and Digital Transition and for Certifications and Consultancy) compared to those already provided for in previous years (funding for the opening of branches abroad, for the development of E-commerce, for participation in international trade fairs and for the hiring of a Temporary Manager).

All the tools are accessible to SMEs and Micro enterprises* but also to enterprises other than SMEs/Micros but which have certain requirements** as well as innovative SMEs, youthful, female or with operational headquarters in the south. Favorable conditions are foreseen for companies affected by energy price increases or the recent floods and for companies and supply chains with direct interests in the Western Balkans.

Subsidized financing plans are envisaged to which grants can be combined up to a maximum of 10% of the subsidized intervention (with different ceilings depending on the instruments).

By clicking on the link below you can find a useful summary of the tools:
New subsidized loans_SIMEST_July 2023_ArcFED

This Federorafi folder (Simest_circolari Fondo 394/81) contains the circulars of the 6 instruments listed above.

Further documentation is available on the SIMEST website at this link:

We remain available.

Best regards.
Stefano de Pascale



*SME/Micro. The category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (collectively defined as SMEs) is made up of enterprises that:
a) have fewer than 250 employees, e
b) have an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros, or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros.
Within the SME category, a small enterprise is defined as an enterprise that:
a) has fewer than 50 employees, e
b) has an annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 10 million euros.

Within the SME category, a micro-enterprise is defined as an enterprise that:
a) has fewer than 10 employees
b) has an annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 2 million euros.

**Large Company/A company, including a non-SME or Micro Company. Company in possession of environmental/sustainability certifications (ISO 45001, ISO 14001, SA8000) and which by the date of the first Provision can provide evidence of:
- having issued a Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) containing ESG principles;
- adhesion of at least 5 suppliers of the Applicant Company, with supply contracts stipulated for at least 12 months from the submission of the Application, to one or more ESG principles contained in the SPP;
-process of implementation of the aforementioned Policy;
- corrective plans in the event of non-compliance of one or more suppliers (for example termination of the relationship with the aforementioned supplier or warning and time to adapt);
- tools and methods for monitoring suppliers with reference to compliance with the aforementioned Policy.