Tarì and the Tarì Design School involved in the development of the new Bulgari School

Today we are happy to tell you about an innovative and pioneering initiative that sees us involved as co-protagonists. Centro Orafo il Tarì has always put training at the centre, mixing excellence and experience to achieve new goals and project young people towards the world of work.

Precisely from this point of view and with the desire to encourage development, innovation and to build a solid future for the entire sector, the prestigious tarì design school has been present within the Center for many years, which was chosen as a partner for the development and management of the new Bulgari School.

The Bulgari jewelery factory, the largest jewelery production site in Europe, in the Piedmontese gold district of Valenza, is expanding. Indeed, the first stone of the new extension phase was laid with a ceremony attended by CEO Bulgari Jean-Christophe Babin and the mayors of the two Municipalities involved, Maurizio Oddone (Valenza) and Andrea Bortoloni (Pecetto di Valenza).

The beating heart of this project will be the Bulgari School which will see the active collaboration of our Tarì Design School. An important, indeed, fundamental opportunity for the next generations of jewelers who will be able to count on quality training.

A message of positivity, an illustrious example for the whole world of jewelery and, above all, a sharing of intentions and values ??that will contribute to making Made in Italy craftsmanship even more famous all over the world.

Read more: https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/bulgari-via-cantiere-nuova-manifattura-sara-piu-grande-mondo-AEMA5HHC

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